Full-Featured Marketing Automation Lead Gen & CRM Platform
Drive more leads. Convert them to sales. Optimize your marketing.

Attract, Win, and Grow with Lead Gen & CRM

Get more leads, close faster, and deliver results with a unified sales and marketing solution.

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Attract, Win, and Grow with Lead Gen & CRM
Lead Gen & Scoring Attract the right leads

Lead Gen & Scoring

Attract the right leads

Get hot leads faster with email & social marketing plus retargeting ads. Score them automatically based on their activity and seamlessly pass to sales.

CRM & Automation

Nurture with personalized content

Deliver the right message to the right people, at the right time. With a flexible centralized CRM and infinitely customizable automations, tasks like nurturing leads and sales follow-ups are easier than ever.

CRM & Automation Nurture with personalized content
Analytics Grow with better conversion


Grow with better conversion

Manage more effectively with insights and real-time analytics that connect marketing spend to sales results, pipeline, and revenue.

Ready to get started with an all-in-one Lead Gen & CRM platform?
Request a FREE DEMO Now >>

Features fit for everyone.

create email

Email Marketing

Drive traffic and sales with the ability to create, send and track full email campaigns.

Facebook lead ads

Social Marketing

Meet customers where they are with the ability to manage all of your social accounts in one place.



Get more done with less effort with the ability to schedule tasks to launch automatically.

Online tools


Understand your customers like never before with the advanced tools to help you see the full picture. Learn more



Grow faster with detailed analytics that show you what’s working and where you can improve.

Constant Contact's (formerly SharpSpring) Marketing Automation Lead Gen & CRM tools track customers before you even know their name. We connect the dots telling you where they came from, where they've been on your site, and what assests they've viewed. You can build powerful automation rules to send them dynamic content, targeted emails, and drip campaigns based on their interests.

Businesses rely on Constant Contact's (formerly SharpSpring) Lead Gen & CRM Marketing Automation

  • A fraction of the cost of Hubspot & competitors
  • Easy-to-use interface compared to the competition
  • Powerful features not seen in many systems
  • Time-saving automation that generates sales
  • Built-in CRM (Customer Records Management)
  • Integration with 3rd-party CRM's
  • Actionable reports & data points
  • Unlimited support

Constant Contact (formerly SharpSpring) Features

Campaign Tracking

Behavior-Based Email

Full Marketing Automation

Blog Builder

Dynamic Landing Pages

CRM & Sales Automation

Dynamic Form Builder

Anonymous Visitor ID

Reporting & Analytics

Powerfully Integrated Systems

Constant Contact's (formerly SharpSpring) Lead Gen & CRM Marketing Automation is built to play nice with existing systems you want to keep. CRM, CMS, form builder, shopping cart - no problem.

SharpSpring Integrates with Salesforce
SharpSpring Integrates with Survey Monkey
SharpSpring Integrates with Litmus
SharpSpring Integrates with PieSync
SharpSpring Integrates with Twitter
SharpSpring Integrates with Shopify
SharpSpring Integrates with GoToWebinar
SharpSpring Integrates with Form Stack
SharpSpring Integrates with Zapier
SharpSpring Integrates with Cisco WebEx
SharpSpring Integrates with Google Ads
SharpSpring Integrates with Shutter Stock

Compare with Other Popular Marketing Tools

Advertising Solutions Constant Contact
(formerly SharpSpring)
HubSpot Marketo Act-on Pardot InfusionSoft
Annual Cost* $5,100 $5,400 $38,400 $28.800 $24,000 $24,000 $7,188
Upfront Commitment** $1,675 $2,250 $43,400 $33,300 $26,000 $27,000 $10,187
Contract Terms Monthly Monthly Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual
3rd-Party CRM Integration Available Available Available Available Available Available Not Available
CRM Included Free Free Free Not Available Not Available Additional Charge for SalesForce Free
Trust Radius
(See Product Reviews tab for more)
8.5 out of 10 8.5 out of 10 8.1 out of 10 8.2 out of 10 7.3 out of 10 7.3 out of 10 6.2 out of 10
Base Monthly License Fee $425 $450 $3,200 $2,400 $2,000 $2,000 $599
Contacts Overage Cost
(included in annual cost/upfront commitment totals)
$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
Rate for Additional Contacts $0 per 1000 contacts $0 per 1000 contacts $10 per 1000 contacts $20 per 1000 contacts $75 per 1000 contacts $100 per 10,000 contacts $10 per 1000 contacts
Phone Support Free Free Free Price Varies Limited Additional Fee Free
Included Users Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited 6 marketing, 100 sales Unlimited 10
Additional Users N/A N/A N/A N/A Varies N/A Varies
Visit Vendor Pricing Page   Constant Contact Pricing HubSpot Pricing Marketo Pricing Act-On Pricing Pardot Pricing InfusionSoft Pricing
Onboarding/Training Fees $1,250 $1,800 $5,000 $4,500 $2,000 $3,000 $2,999
Annual Cost* $5,100 $5,400 $38,400 $28,800 $24,000 $24,000 $7,188
Upfront Commitment $1,675 $2,250 $43,400 $33,300 $26,000 $27,000 $10,187
Contract Terms Monthly Monthly Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual

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